13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Receives English Voiceover Trailer, Retains Japanese Honorifics

VanillaWare, the studio behind Odin Sphere, drops a trailer, revealing the English voices for its anticipated release 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Unlike their previous games, Dragon's Crown and Muramasa, which took place in a fantasy style setting, 13 Sentinels places its world in a fairly modern, not-too-distant future. The original concept was brought up shortly after the release of Dragon's Crown in 2013 with official production beginning in 2015. 

Initially launched in Japan in November 2019, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim now plans for its worldwide release.

In this trailer, it's worth noting that honorifics for the English dub will be retained. More often than not, when Japanese media is rescripted for Western consumption, these honorifics like "chan" and "kun", which are used to express affection to each other, be it immediate family, friends, or loved ones. For purists and enthusiasts of Japanese culture, this may be a nice treat. 

Vanillaware, the storytellers behind Odin Sphere and Dragon’s Crown, craft a sci-fi mystery epic spanning thirteen intertwining stories. This is a description about 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim from Atlus' official site:

"Uncover the truth and delve into a 2D sidescrolling adventure featuring gorgeous art and environments. Then, battle the kaiju in fast-paced, top-down combat. Customize the Sentinels with an arsenal of mechsuit weaponry, and fight to defend humanity!"

The game features 13 playable characters each with their own intertwining plots that thread together a much larger narrative. The gameplay is split between several different modes, "Battle", "Adventure", and "Archives". Battles take place in real time, where players can equip mechs and engage in fights with the enemy. The Adventure portion is where you interact with characters, flesh out dialogue, and advance the plot. Archives contain records that document relative scenes and key items. 

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will be released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 September 22 2020. 

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