OverWatch game director Jeff Kaplen has posted a developer update to the Overwatch YouTube page detailing some character changes coming to the PTR and some thoughts on what they will be doing to future characters. 

These are some interesting changes.


  • Increasing the duration of her freeze gun (primary fire) from 1 second to 1.5 seconds. 
  • Reducing alternate fire ammo consumption from 25 to 20.

The duration increase on her primary means that she will be able to slow down faster moving targets, like Tracer and Genji, making it harder for them to be able to get away from her. The ammo consumption reduction on her alternate fire means she can now fire 2 more icicles. 


  • No longer gains ult charge from hacked health packs. 
  • Damage increase on her primary fire
  • Reduced time for hacking 
  • Hacking now takes more abilities away from characters than it did before.
  • Increased the time on Trans locator (ability)  

The first one is a big time nerf, but understandable. Sombra was generating her ult way too fast and EMP was a game changer if you coordinated it with your team. I do think the rest of her buffs make up for her lost ult charge though. Jeff noted that hacking taking away more character abilities is just being experimented with. They do not know if they're going to do it, or even add more abilities that hack takes away. 


  • Ammo recovery rate is quicker 

 With the previous change to his primary fire, he can now shoot more bullets and shoot them out faster making is DPS output rather insane.  

Jeff then goes on to talk about some changes to Hanzo that they are considering. They want to remove Scatter Arrow, but they're not quite sure what to replace it with. So they have been doing some experimenting. These changes will not be on the PTR at this time. He also mentions that they're thinking of reworking Symmetra (again) and Torbjörn. He feels that Torbjörn isn't being used and they want to make him more viable & "accepted". 

You can view the entire developer update below.  

As always, this is James with Game Fix. Game on everybody! 

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