PlatinumGames Shows Interest In Wanting To Revive The Cancelled Scalebound

Fans still remember Scalebound, the once anticipated, but sadly scrapped action role-playing game that was going to be an Xbox One exclusive developed by PlatinumGames. Microsoft announced its cancellation in 2017, but still owns the property, leaving many to speculate whether or not a staff would be assigned to revamp or redo the project. It's been years of silence.

Looks like the project's creator is making a bid to Microsoft heads to get back to work on it. According to IGN Japan, in an interview with PlatinumGames founder, CEO, and head developer Hideki Kamiya, who's never shy with words (or tweets), put it bluntly that he would love to reignite the dragon riding action game.

Inaba: Kamiya says he wants to do "Scalebound" all the time. Kamiya and I really want to do it, not a beautiful feeling like "If I have a chance someday". So I want to talk with Microsoft properly.

Kamiya: There are quite a few deliverables, and Microsoft has no choice but to do something about it (laughs) Phil! Let's do it together!

Even with the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Microsoft is aiming to build some first party exclusives to make not only the platform, but their Game Pass subscription service even more appealing. It's something that can only be a net positive for PlatinumGames, Microsoft, and fans who long wanted to see this project to completion. Kamiya and Microsoft fronted most of the blame that lead to Scalebound's cancellation, difficulties with Unreal Engine and a very ambitious project that just didn't come together at the time. On new hardware, and with PlatinumGames' honed experience over the years, perhaps it could be time for a revival.


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