Study Shows NO Link Between Violent Video Games And Behavior (For The 100th Time)

     In a study published today by the University of York (Link)  there is no correlation between violent video games and violent behavior.  In a series of experiments involving 3,000 participants they were exposed to a variety of combat physics.  As stated by the university;


(Pictured:  A violent kid, but not from video games.  Credit:

"The experiment compared player reactions to two combat games, one that used ‘ragdoll physics’ to create realistic character behaviour and one that did not, in an animated world that nevertheless looked real.  

Following the game the players were asked to complete word puzzles called ‘word fragment completion tasks’, where researchers expected more violent word associations would be chosen for those who played the game that employed more realistic behaviours.

They compared the results of this experiment with another test of game realism, where a single bespoke war game was modified to form two different games. In one of these games, enemy characters used realistic soldier behaviours, whilst in the other game they did not employ realistic soldier behaviour." (York, 2018)

     While further Research is required, this confirms what all of us gamers already knew in our hearts.  This doesn't mean that negative behaviors don't occur.  Addiction to gaming, including gambling *cough* loot boxes *cough* definitely happens.  That being said, it seems as though we have to defend our hobby every time someone who played Doom once does something terrible.   

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