Oculus Rift Gets Price, Sells Out In 14 Minutes

Shortly after officially announcing the $600 price tag for the Oculus Rift, the first round of pre-orders has sold out. It took 14 minutes. Pre-ordered Rifts will ship in March, while all other orders afterwards won't start shipping until May. 

To think that the Oculus Rift would cost anything less than an Xbox One or Playstation 4 would be absurd. We're talking about the potential future of gaming. And you can expect the Playstation VR and Microsoft's Hololens to be in the same price range. 

As for me, I'm super excited and will definitely be snagging an Oculus Rift. It fits into the scheme of things, if you really think about it.

What about you? Sound off in the comments and let us know if your ready for the REAL next-gen video games. 

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