Ready to fight the Joja Coporation from ruining your beloved Valley in a new way? Stardew Valley: The Board Game is a cooperative and complex version of the hit indie video game.

ConcernedApe, aka Eric Barone, the creator of the Stardew Valley video game, spent more than two and a half years translating the indie game to a tabletop version. 


  • 1-4 players, ages 13 and up
  • 45 minutes per player for the standard game
  • Gameplay adjustments allow for some shorter versions of the game

Just like the video game, you work to bring the Valley back to life and push the Joja Corporation out of town. This can be done by restoring the Community Center and completing Grandpa's Goals. The goals are random, so each time you play it may be different.

The video game version tracks time with seasons and years, which is translated into a season deck in the board game version. Just like in the video game, players may want to go fishing, take care of animals and crops, or explore the mine. Players are encouraged to discuss their plans together as it is a cooperative game.

Collecting resources, picking up profession skills and making friends with the locals are all included in the board game as well. It truly is the video game turned board game.

Disclaimer on complexity

It's important to note that this is not going to be your go-to for the casual game night with folks who are brand new to tabletop gaming. This game is complex and it's designed to be a longer game. The sale page for the board game features a PDF download of the rules if you want to check them out before purchasing.


The first printing of Stardew Valley: The Board Game sold out in under 24 hours, but a second printing is in the works. Currently shipping is only within the US, but they are working on figuring out international shipping. The first print copies were sold at $55 a copy.

The official Stardew Valley forums now has a section specifically for the board game here

Photos/video and game information courtesy of ConcernedApe/Stardew Valley.

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