Today thru Monday both PS4 and Xbox One players can play Killing Floor 2 for free. If you haven't had a chance to play this bloodfest of an FPS, then this is your chance.

This is a little celebration of sorts to the recently added THE SUMMER SIDESHOW: TREACHEROUS SKIES UPDATE which adds tons of new features including new weapons, and a new character. 

Here are the new features:

  • New Map: Airship
    • Help Lockhart reach his home island on the command airship by completing a series of increasingly challenging objectives
  • New Community Map: Endless Lockdown
    • Players can look forward to seeing this fan-made community favorite map officially available for the first time in KILLING FLOOR 2
  • New Weapons
    • M99 AMR Sniper Rifle for Sharpshooter
    • Static Strikers for Berserker
    • Doomstick for Support
    • Goreshiv Survivalist Knife
  • Weapon Upgrade System
    • Upgrade any weapon!
    • Players can now take any of their favorite weapons and make them viable for late-game play
  • Prestige System
    • Players can reset their perk after reaching perk level 25 to get exclusive weapon skin for their perk along with vault dosh rewards
  • Mrs. Foster
    • A totally new playable character DLC with her own voice which is localized in all supported languages
    • English voice done by the talented Claudia Black! 

We'll be giving this game a whirl this weekend. If you are, add us! unpwn or sixstringer57 on both PS4 and Xbox One. 

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JULY 27th


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