RETRO REBOOT | Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Review (SNES)

Ghosts n' Goblins was always one of my most frustrating NES games, I've always hated it. I like my share of tough platformers, but the way it controlled and the necessity to beat it twice left it in the Battletoads tier of games that are nostalgic, but really kinda suck. Like most sequels, with the launch of the Super Nintendo, there was always the potential that "it can only get better", right?

Developed by Capcom and released in 1991, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts would be the first entry in the Ghosts n' Goblins series to not be released in arcades. You once again play as the courageous knight Arthur on a quest to rescue Princess Guinevere from demons. I thought her name was supposed to be Prin-Prin (a name that makes me giggle), maybe something is lost in translation.

The same run-n-gun play is intact, with some changes and much needed upgrades to keep it from being the ridged experience I found the NES version to be, and it also feels like a departure from the Sega Mega Drive version. In the past, I wanted to write a Retro Reboot VS for the SNES and Genesis versions, but I try to avoid sequels, despite the differences in gameplay philosophy. Coincidentally, when thinking about the changes do make me think of the fundamental differences Konami made between the NES Castlevania games and the leap to the 16-bit monster. 

Additions like a few extra power-ups and upgrades makes progression less strained than the first game, where there were only a handful of decent weapons that didn't require an excess amount of skill to manage from the first. The ability to charge them, altering their properties gives each weapon more personality. There's still only a handful I like to use, but I don't have that feeling of getting burned if I pick up a new item that's not as good. 

Responsiveness feels kicked up, without the janky stiffness when sticking jumps. I'll try to keep the Castlevania comparisions to a minimum, but Arthur and Simon Belmont were regulated to commit to a jump arc. In Super Cas, Simon could control his trajectory in midair. In Super Ghouls, Arthur gained the ability to double jump. It's quite refreshing to be able to save oneself from getting out of the trajectory of a Red Arremer that's swooping below you.

As one of the early Super Nintendo games, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts blows the absolute socks off for anyone that was growing up during this period when it comes to sound and graphics. The colors, the backgrounds, the larger enemies, these leaps were considered massive for kids that were graced with an SNES. All the stages are different, and provide unique challenges, along with being packed with lots of detail. 

The signature theme emanating from the stereo-powered SNES is pure ear candy. Some of the sound effects emulate the ones from the arcade and NES predecessors, but with more clarity and bass. Just another one of those things that made the Super Nintendo feel that much bigger and in-your-face with its presentation. There's more mid-boss, and even the throwbacks from franchise's past sport new animations and mannerisms. It's one of those games that impressed friends if they came by for a sleepover. 

Despite the quality of life changes, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts is still a difficult bastard. You still only really get two hit points before dying (an armor upgrade is available that gives you more shielding). You still gotta beat it twice to get the true ending, and there's also a secret ending that can be achieved (I think it requires a 'no-death' run), but I was never good enough, AND lacked the patience to try it. This game is easier, but not by much.

Where does Super Ghouls n' Ghosts stand? A significantly better title than the stupid NES game, but I don't enjoy it as much as the more true arcade Genesis version. Some gameplay changes makes it more approachable, I just have a stronger attachment to the spin-offs Demon's Crest and Maximo. More on Maximo at another date, but there's something amusing about a Capcom franchise where the side games are more entertaining than the mainline.

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