The Overwatch Twitter sent out an image. A screen shot from the personal log of Dr. Mina Liao. 

Dr. Liao is the 6th founding member of Overwatch and is important in the lore of the game. 

In this log post, she talks about a person named "Jack" which can assumed to be none other than Soldier 76 himself - also a founding member of Overwatch. 

She makes mention of an "Athena prototype". Athena is the AI that Winston was using in his cinematic. That disembodied voice you hear during matches? That's Athena.

She mentions the "scared" Omnics and how her next project will help people "understand that the potential of artificial life is so much greater than what we have gain by treating them as our property".  

As of right now, we have no idea who this is teasing. Dr. Liao herself has been teased as a hero before and even in 2020, former lead Overwatch writer Michael Chu wrote that Liao was "definitely still an important character" and that there is "more to come". 

That was back in January in a Tweet reply to a Twitter question asking if we are going to see her any time. 

I personally think this is Echo. Echo was introduced back at the 2018 Blizzcon during the "Reunion" animated short AKA the McCree cinematic which introduced us to Ashe & Bob. Echo was originally supposed to be added after that, but then they realized the voice of Ashe is Jennifer freaking Hale and officially announced Ashe & Bob as hero 29.

Since that original introduction of Echo, we have had hero 30 and hero 31 both announced and released - Baptiste & Sigma respectfully.  

Echo has been confirmed as being a character, but it was never revealed when we would get her. Since her reveal we have only seen her in cinematic and during an interview with Jeff Kaplan, he mentions that Echo will play a large role in the new story line (Overwatch 2).  

Could this finally be it though? I don't trust Blizzard when it comes to these as they tend to throw curve balls into their teasers. There have been leaks that the next hero will be a support character. It is about time for us to get a new character since Sigma was released way back in August and we got the Overwatch 2 announcement in November at last years Blizzcon with a character being announced there - Sojourn who will release with Overwatch 2. Whenever that gets a release. 

Echo does seem the best bet as she has been teased for awhile now. It's were my money is right now. 

I will update if and when new info comes out. 

That's it for now. As always this is James with Game Fix. Game on everybody! 

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