July 2017 Blog Posts (9)

Overwatch Summer Games 2017 And Possible New Character Leak?

Summer Games 2017 is rumored to kick off either tomorrow August 1st or August 8th. For those who don't remember the original Summer Games. Blizzard released it last year to coincide with the 2016 Summer Olympics. It was a huge success for both Blizzard and the Overwatch community because of one reason. LucioBall! 

The Summer Games event also included some country specific skins for the Overwatch crew. 

This year is going to be no different with the return of Lucioball and more…


Added by James Tuttle on July 31, 2017 at 10:20am — No Comments

Niantic Is Now Nintendo Jr.

If you were lucky enough to be in Chicago, and even luckier enough to get into the Pokemon Go Fest, then you were pretty unlucky. 

Being a former radio pro, I immediately noticed how lame this whole set up was. Especially being that it was for one of the most popular franchises on Earth.

I could have set up a better event promoting dog feces. 

And that's not even the biggest problem. 

Nobody could play. Nobody could take advantage of the rare Pokemon. And nobody will…


Added by Verlane on July 24, 2017 at 3:00am — No Comments

Spawn Is Officially Getting A Reboot

This news is insane, and yes it is true. Here is the announcement Tweet from Spawn's creator, Todd McFarlane...


Added by Spanish on July 21, 2017 at 10:30am — No Comments

Here Comes A New Challenger

For those who don't know. I am super pumped for Dragonball Fighters Z. I think its going to beat Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite as the hype fighter of the year. As I said in my Evo announcement blog. There were 2 more fighters to be announced. Well those two fighters have been announced via the Japanese magazine V-Jump.

The first fighter is actually a little surprising.…


Added by James Tuttle on July 19, 2017 at 8:20am — No Comments

First Look: The Atari Box

In an attempt to keep the fans updated throughout the whole process, Atari has revealed the Atari Box. Only the console itself. And I gotta say, it's sleek AF. 

It will come in two styles, initially. The classic wood panel strip as seen above, and the "glass" version: …


Added by Verlane on July 17, 2017 at 4:30am — No Comments

All Of The Evo Announcements In One Small Package

If you did not watch Evo over the weekend, then you missed out on one hell of a tournament. You also missed out on some fighting game announcements. Don't worry though, I got your back. 

For those who are too young to remember. Capcom dabbled in the 3D arena at one point with the game, Street Fighter EX. It wasn't very good, and its remembered for being very broken. It was developed by a company called "Arika". A Japanese developer who hasn't really worked on anything of note and…


Added by James Tuttle on July 17, 2017 at 2:30am — No Comments

A Years Worth Of Fighting, Comes Down To One Weekend

I am a huge competitive esports fan. From MOBA's, to FPS games, to even card games. I try to watch everything I can.

My real love is fighting games. Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Tekken, and everything in between. In my teenage years, I used to attend weeklies at my local arcade. We're talking 90's here, when the arcade scene in the US was really good.

When Street Fighter 4 came out, I went back to those years and attended tournaments for that game. I was never a huge pro…


Added by James Tuttle on July 13, 2017 at 9:00am — No Comments

Doomfist Has Finally Made It To Overwatch

You heard correctly, Doomfist is a playable character in Blizzard's Overwatch! After months of speculation Doomfist has finally become a reality, and I couldn't be more excited!!. You can play as him right now on your PC in the Public Test Region. He is a DPS character and his alt fire is a rocket punch(obviously), it apparently goes through shields...ruh-roh! Unfortunately the voice of Doomfist does not seem like it is Terry Crews, although he has no voice at this point, so maybe there is…


Added by Spanish on July 6, 2017 at 6:30am — No Comments

Nuggets From The Latest Podcast

Here is a few things we mentioned on episode "Nintendo Gets Overwatch, Sony Gets Caught Stealing", and here are your visuals...

We mentioned the picture that Sony attempted to change from Xbox One to PS4 from the upcoming release, Anthem...…


Added by Spanish on July 3, 2017 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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